Promotion Potluck 2024

July 28th, 2024 | Kids and Student Ministries are coming together to celebrate with our second Promotion Potluck! We want to join together for food and fellowship as all our students move up into the next grade in our ministries.

What: Promotion Potluck

When: July 28th 2024 immediately following second service: 11:45-1:30 pm

Who: The entire congregation! You don't have to have students to participate!

Where: Park Chapel Parking lot (weather permitting. Gym if it rains)

The menu: We will be providing the main dishes. We are asking for your help with sides and drinks! If your last name starts with A-H we ask that you bring drinks: soda cans, juice, bottled water. If your last name starts with I-P we ask that you bring chips or ready to serve fruit. If your last name starts with Q-Z we ask that you bring cookies or other yummy prepackaged desserts.

We believe that this will be a great way to unite and celebrate as we bring back a beloved church tradition of an old fashion potluck with a NextGen spin. Can't wait to see you there!
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July 28th, 2024
Kids and Student Ministries are coming together to celebrate with our second Promotion Potluck! We want to join together for food and fellowship as all our students move up into the next grade in our ministries.

What: Promotion Potluck

When: July 28th 2024 immediately following second service: 11:45-1:30 pm

Who: The entire congregation! You don't have to have students to participate!

Where: Park Chapel Parking lot (weather permitting. Gym if it rains)

The menu: We will be providing the main dishes. We are asking for your help with sides and drinks! If your last name starts with A-H we ask that you bring drinks: soda cans, juice, bottled water. If your last name starts with I-P we ask that you bring chips or ready to serve fruit. If your last name starts with Q-Z we ask that you bring cookies or other yummy prepackaged desserts.

We believe that this will be a great way to unite and celebrate as we bring back a beloved church tradition of an old fashion potluck with a NextGen spin. Can't wait to see you there!