Rooted Winter 25 (Women)

Mondays, January 20th - March 3rd | 6:30-8:00 PM | Join us this Winter as we spend 7 weeks with Kristi McLelland and her "Luke in the Land" study. Our time will start out in the Chapel for fellowship, and large group teaching. After, we'll break into small groups for discussion, study, and prayer. **PLEASE NOTE: this season we will meet from 6:30-8:00 PM, with no meal. Light refreshments will be provided each week. There will be no weekly pitch-in this season.**

Once you complete this form, click "submit" at the bottom of the page. Complete one form per person registering for this season.

To sign up for KidsCare, click the link in your confirmation email. There is a one-time, $20 fee per family for childcare.
Please select one option.
CHILDCARE: If you are bringing children with you, they must be registered for Kid's Care. There will be a registration link in the confirmation email you receive after completing this registration form. Please click on the link and complete one form per family. The fee will be $20 per family. PLEASE NOTE: Your kids must be registered 5 days prior to the first night you plan to attend Rooted. If money is an issue, please let us know and don't let that be the reason that keeps you away.

Please be aware that this event may be photographed. Your submission of this form and participation in the event grants Park Chapel permission to use your picture, silhouette or reproductions of your physical likeness and voice in any manner associated with promotion and/or celebration of church events.


Mondays, January 20th - March 3rd | 6:30-8:00 PM
Join us this Winter as we spend 7 weeks with Kristi McLelland and her "Luke in the Land" study. Our time will start out in the Chapel for fellowship, and large group teaching. After, we'll break into small groups for discussion, study, and prayer. **PLEASE NOTE: this season we will meet from 6:30-8:00 PM, with no meal. Light refreshments will be provided each week. There will be no weekly pitch-in this season.**

Once you complete this form, click "submit" at the bottom of the page. Complete one form per person registering for this season.

To sign up for KidsCare, click the link in your confirmation email. There is a one-time, $20 fee per family for childcare.